Sailing Our Catamaran Into St. Pete For Maintenance & Projects

With our departure date getting closer, we’re learning so much about our new home, including the systems that allow us to go off-grid and the maintenance those systems require. And as new boat owners, we’re discovering a crucial reality: there’s always something to be fixed, cleaned, and maintained.

In this video, we head down the Manatee River and across Tampa Bay to St. Pete. Although we were lucky to enjoy a date night in the city’s vibrant downtown, plus a Sunday morning walk along the pier, our trip’s main goal was more practical. We met up with Andre from The Yacht Rigger, along with a few others, who helped The Adventure Crews get ready for her big adventure.

The Yacht Rigger specializes in upgrades and maintenance for all kinds of boats, and we definitely needed Andre’s help. Our AC unit, inverters, and solar system all needed some love, and Andre gave us some top tips.

If you’ve watched our video where we crossed the Gulf of Mexico, you’ll remember we lost power to an engine—a huge headache during the trip. Thankfully we enlisted help from Chris from Universal Fuel Services to unclog our fuel lines. Watch as he “takes the tank to the dentist” and clears out all kinds of algae and debris. Chris has his own YouTube channel, Florida Boat Guy If you ever have any fuel questions, reach out to him!

Maintenance is hard work, but after some help from the professionals, we’re feeling confident in all of our systems and upgrades.

On our trip back to our home port on the Manatee River, we had some time to reflect on the past few months and everything leading up to starting this big adventure together. We’ve worked incredibly hard, made some difficult sacrifices, and planned like we never have before. Moments like these definitely force us to slow down and process.

We’re grateful to everyone following along on our journey. Join us next week as we make one more trip to St Pete for some final maintenance, plus a rigging inspection post-Hurricane Ian.

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