5 Best Things to do in Great Harbour Cay, Bahamas

Our next Bahamian stop was Great Harbour Cay in the Berry Islands, a 7-mile-long island nestled between Freeport and Nassau. We had a pretty bumpy crossing, but we made the 65-mile trip in about eight and a half hours. And, lucky us—we got a personal tour of the place from fellow boating friends Ken and […]

Swimming with SHARKS & Stingrays in the BAHAMAS

We’re so ecstatic to finally be able to say: Welcome to the Bahamas! It’s like we’ve crossed the finish line after a really long race. Part of us feels exhausted, and the other part feels more energetic than ever. Years of hard work, dedication, and preparation have all led up to this very moment. In […]

Sailing the Gulf Stream from Florida to West End (Grand Bahama)

Every time we embark on a new journey, we get that same nervous flutter of anticipation and excitement. It’s a combo of hope and fear that can’t be captured by a camera lens—a testament to the power of stepping outside your comfort zone and into the unknown. Today we left the U.S., in our own […]

We’re living on a boat!

It’s surreal to even write this: we’re officially living on a boat. So much has changed this past year. Not only did we get married, but we’ve quit successful careers we enjoyed and worked hard to establish, sold our home, and pursued our dream of living full-time on a sailboat. Oh, and we started a […]

Just Go For It: 8 Ways to Turn Your Dream into Reality

In 1988, Nike launched a successful campaign with three little words we’re all probably familiar with: Just Do It. Although meant to motivate people to achieve greatness in the physical fitness realm, that slogan can be applied to all of life, specifically to dreams and goals. As we’re not really up for a legal battle […]

5 Reasons to Charter a Boat in the Bahamas

It’s no wonder thousands of vacationers come to the Bahamas every year: beautiful, sun-soaked beaches, clear water, and the palm-trees-warm-breeze aesthetic make these islands a top vacation destination. But many people head straight to Nassau’s large-scale resorts like Atlantis or Baha Mar without any idea of other options (i.e. charter a boat in the Bahamas) […]